Diversity and Tech

Yesterday I was lucky to have the opportunity to attend the Microsoft Ignite, London conference.  Like previous Microsoft conferences it followed the usual format of sessions organised into tracks covering topics from web apps and databases to O365, Teams and SharePoint. 

However, what really stood out for me was Microsoft’s embracing of diversity.  At last year’s event (MS Tech Summit) they had a single 30 minute talk in the open theatre area after all the sessions had ended.  This year there was an entire Diversity in Tech track as well as a Diversity in Tech stand in the main hall where you could meet, chat, learn and make new connections.  The track had six one hour sessions and a couple of 15 / 30 minute sessions spread over both days and taking part in the main conference rooms alongside the other tracks.  It shows massive growth and visibility in this area in just a year.

This time two years ago I was weighing up my fairly substantial life decision.  A big factor was how it would affect my career: would it have a negative effect?  The answer from Microsoft is a resounding ‘no’ !

I wanted to share this for anyone else that might find it helpful to know or, for example, may have friends and family looking to you for advice.  My experience at work on the LGBT aspect of diversity has been hugely positive and with Microsoft promoting diversity front and centre I am confident in an inclusive tech industry.

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